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Evaluation Workshop Student as Producer

Friday 8 March 2013, 10.30-15.30
This second workshop is focused on the internal data that have so far been collected for the evaluation. The main aim is to feedback the data and to explore a suitable analysis, e.g. what improvements can be made to support the development of research engaged teaching and learning.

There will be ample opportunity for participants to share their current practical (Student as Producer inspired) experiences and link these to possible further improvements.

A more detailed workshop programme will be distributed nearer the time through email and the SaP website.

If you would like to participate, please email

The SaP evaluation team,

Martha Vahl
Mike Neary
Andy Hagyard
Mick Healey

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Evaluation update September 2012


The evaluation is based on the Teaching and Learning Plan Evaluation (Student as Producer), which incorporates Key Performance Indicators (May 2012).

The Plan distinguishes between internal and external sources of information that form the basis for determining the achievements of SaP. The data collection and analysis will be focused on the further improvements of SaP’s contribution to the research engaged teaching and learning strategy of the University.

Timeline, reporting structure and activities

Date Title content
15 October 2012 Baseline report Internal information sources

– quality processes, UROS, FED, academic outputs, conversations with participants, workshop, infrastructure (technology, learning landscapes, student experience, etc); recommendations for further SaP activities

15 February 2013 Impact report Impact of developmental SaP activities (documents, interviews, self-assessments, workshops), and of external information sources (impact on debate HE, academic outputs)
15 April 2013 Final report Analysis of the developments, summary of impact and recommendations for the teaching and learning strategy
End June 2013  (2 days) Conference Presentations, discussions and celebrations with an (inter)national invited speakers and audience at UoL

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Indeed, the evaluation of the Student as Producer project is now taking a more practical shape. My name is Martha Vahl, and I have joined CERD to assist Mike Neary and the team to do the evaluation. Over the coming months I will be approaching people to discuss their experiences with Student as Producer. The first stage is to find out what it was or is that stimulated people to do interesting things that they can (easily) relate to the Student as Producer or to one of its key features. Once we have collected details of what has worked, we will attempt to further analysis and invite you to give your views and action perspective during this second stage. The results of the two stages will be analysed on the impact and sustainability. Information will also be collected on the impact in the wider Higher Education Sector.
I will keep you updated as we go along, but please contact me if you have ideas and suggestions. My email is; my uni landline is 6759 and I am in MC3111 (MHT building third floor).