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Student as Producer Seminar – Liverpool John Moores University


Ten Things You Need to Know About Student as Producer at the University of Lincoln, UK


1. Student as Producer – research-engaged teaching is the organising principle for teaching and learning at Lincoln, across all courses and levels

2. Quality Assurance Agency institutional review 2012 commended Lincoln for the enhancement of student learning opportunities framed around Student as Producer

3. Higher Education Academy regards Student as Producer as example of best practice for teaching and learning in Higher Education

4. Student as Producer is conceptualised around a critical engagement with the work of Ernest Boyer’s notion of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Boyer Commission 1998) through the work of critical social theory, most prominently the writings of Walter Benjamin, e.g., Author as Producer 1934

5. Student as Producer is the basis for Student Engagement Strategy at Lincoln

6. QAA protocols and procedures at Lincoln  written up as Student as Producer: Validation and Revalidation, Annual Monitoring Reports, Periodic Academic Review and External Examiner Reports

7. Some examples of student work: Biobunch in Life Sciences and Making Digital History

8. Student as Producer has been taken on by Vanderbilt University in the US and the University of British Columbia in Canada

9. Students at Lincoln appreciate the benefits of research-engaged teaching for learning, earning and dealing with real life (Neary et al 2014)

10. Research-engaged teaching is assuming increasing importance across higher education, e.g. British Conference for Undergraduate Research, student research publications – Reinvention Journal, and is recognised as a significant future trend in US – NMC Horizon report 2014: 15



Neary, M. and Winn, J. (2009) ‘The Student as Producer: reinventing the student experience in higher education, L.Bell, H. Stevenson, M.Neary (eds) The Future of Higher Education: Policy, Pedagogy and the Student Experience, Continuum, London

Neary, M. (2010) ‘Student as Producer: A Pedagogy for the Avant-Garde‘, Learning Exchange, Volume 1 (1)

Neary, M. and Hagyard, A. (2011) ‘Pedagogy of Excess: An Alternative Political Economy for Student Life’, In M. Molesworth, E. Nixon and R. Scullion, (eds) The Marketisation of Higher Education and Student as Consumer, Routledge, London and New York:

Neary, M. and Saunders, G. (2011) ‘Leadership and Learning Landscapes in Higher Education: the Struggle for the Idea of the University’, Higher Education Quarterly 65 (4): 333 – 352

Neary, M. (2012) ‘Student as Producer: An Institution of the Common? [or How to Recover Communist/Revolutionary science]’, Enhancing Learning in the Social Sciences, Higher Education Academy, York

Neary, M. (2012) ‘Teaching Politically: Policy, Pedagogy and the New European University’, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 10 (2)

Neary, M. and Amsler, A. (2012) ‘Occupy: A New Pedagogy of Space and Time’, Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies, 10(2)

Neary, M. (2012) ‘Beyond Teaching in Public: The University as a Form of Social Knowing’ in M Neary, H Stevenson and L Bell ( eds) Towards Teaching in Public: Reshaping the Modern University, Continuum, London and New York Neary,

M. (2013) ‘Student as Producer: Radicalising the Mainstream in Higher Education’ in E. Dunn and D. Owen (eds) The Student Engagement Handbook: Practice in Higher Education, Emerald Books, Bingley

Neary, M. (2014), ‘The University and the City: Social Science Centre, Lincoln – Forming the Urban Revolution’, in P. Temple, (ed) The Physical University: Contours of Space and Place in Higher Education, Routledge, Abingdon

Neary, M., Saunders, G., Hagyard, A. and Derricott, D. (2014) Student as Producer : Research-Engaged Teaching, an Institutional Strategy, Evaluation Report for Higher Education Academy, York

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